About Us


1. Who are we?

Our identity rests in who we are, what we are passionate about and who we belong to. fireBRANDS is a youth ministry of FGA Centre, Penang. We're extravagant in our worship, exuberant in our praise and an irresistible influence in living out our lives in Christ.

We seek to impact lives, transform communities and reach the nations. From this homepage, you will be directed to the many outreaches we dedicate ourselves to. We encorurage you to partner with us and be a fellow fireBRAND.

We believe the very essence of Christianity is to be 'salt and light' to our world. If salt loses its saltiness then it is of no use; however just as salt gives taste, heals wounds and preserves, likewise we're called to do the same.

2. What do we do?
Various forms of activities are being carried out, all for God.
- floorball, HOPE project, fireCELLS

3. Where do we meet?
Fridays - fireCELLS
Saturdays - Youth (Celebration Service)

Chapter 1

Our Vision
"Impacting Lives, Transforming Communities and Reaching the Nations." We fireBRANDS believe that by running with this vision of the church, we become "Irresistible Influences" in whatever we do and wherever we go.

Our Identity
"A team of guys and girls who are just desperate for GOD, compassionate towards their community and passionate to reach the UNREACHED."

Our Foundation 
The solid rocks on which we build on are:
  • The Great Commandment: Matthew 22:37-40 (The Message)

    Jesus said, "Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence." This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: "Love others as well as you love yourself." These two commandments are pegs; everything in God's Law and the Prophets hangs on them.
  • The Great Commission: Matthew 28:18-20 (The Message)

    Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: "God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I'll be with you as you do this, day after day, right up tp the end of age."

"The Committee's Member Page is under construction. I do appreciate your patience. Something epic is gonna come out from this! In the mean time. Here's a short kinda long list of the Committees."

/ lEROY tAN.
/ sARAH kHOO. 

Planning Committee.
/ 4 Councils
/ bRIAN.
/ sHIAU tING. - Secretary
/ iSAAC.

Media Team.
/ bENJAMIN. - Big Boss 1
/ iSAAC. - Big Boss 2
/ jULIA. - Art Director
/ tANIA. - Advisor
/ wEI-LYNN. -Advisor

Worship Department.
/ sAMANTHA. - Boss 1
/ bRIAN. - Boss 2
/ jOSHUA. - SC Boss

Cell Groups.

Mod Em.

The Forge.
/ fAITH.

Epilogue. (Editor's Notes)

fireBRANDS is a place where we can all come to sing praises to God and to know more about Him. It is a place where we can find new friends and bond together as one, a place where we do crazy things (there's a limit though :P), a place where we just have fun and chillax! This blog will tell a more better story on what happens in Youth, the events we have and the things that we do. I hope that you will enjoy reading the Blog Posts. I would also like to extend my gratitude to all the past and especially to the present Bloggers who have worked their hearts out to make the fireBRANDS blog what it is today. So again, I would hope you enjoy reading the blog and remember; "Once a fireBRAND, always a fireBRAND"

God Bless.

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