Thursday, July 30, 2009

FireReach I

Okay, to make this intro really simple (like how-to-boil-water simple), FireReach is a new ministry within fireBRANDS focused on community outreach.

So its first project was bringing Ephraim to an orphanage at Batu Maung.

(First Ephraim, then Manasseh, then Mod-Em. The 3 cell groups take turns every week to help out at the orphanage.)

Get it?


And here's how it went!

Photography: Sarah Khoo (and a few photos from this writer herself)

a note: the names of the books aren't supposed to be arranged in the right order.

"In the beginning..." - Gen 1:1

So, in the beginning, we met up at Leroy's place for briefing and prayer.

our brief-er.

"The number from the tribe of Ephraim was 40,500." - Num 1:33

Okay so not THAT many la.

Everyone in would total to about.. at least 16 people, as far as I can remember (but then again it was nearly a week ago so maybe my memory's not very reliable).

More than expected, and at first it was thought to be too many people.

Though it turned out to be an okay number, cuz well there were many children too.


"The Israelites journeyed from Rameses to Succoth. There were about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children." - Ex. 12:37

Thankfully, in this modern era, we have vans and cars.

About one vanload and one carload of people went.

The ride was nice, I guess. I mean you can't really complain if someone chauffers you in an air-conditioned vehicle.

And once we arrived, and got out..

..the children just immediately came up to us and started shaking hands, smiling, introductions were made, more smiles exchanged..

"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." - Hebrews 13:16

What we did.

Basically both us and the children were divided into three groups. These three groups would then take turns to play and to learn how to use a computer (as there were a limited number of computers).

I don't plan on explaining every single activity we did, so, photos!

Playing with the children outside while waiting for their turn to use the computers. We literally had to brainstorm what games to play, and revisited childhoods with games like AEIOU, polis-pencuri, Simon Says, Pepsi-Cola, O-Zom...

Though in the end this group didn't get to use the computers due to limited time. Oh well. Next time :)

Ivy in a heated battle.

Playing musical chairs (looks like it).

Getting to know the kids and more importantly, having fun with them while showing God's love.


Teaching them how to use the computer.

Shiau Xian and her little sister.


Wei-Lynn caring for two kids.

Awww.. hahaha :)

After almost 2 hours there it was time to leave.

Well, it was time for the children's bedtime, and we were tired.

But it was good.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as poor and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." - J. 1:27

Debrief, briefly.

1. Keep praying for the orphanage, the children and everyone there. It's a place influenced very strongly by Hinduism and they actually have a sort of a mini-temple in the orphanage itself, where even at night people were praying.

2. Helping the children there will be done every week by the three cell groups, but from now on there'll be less children and it'll focus more on computer lessons.

3. And yeah, helping the children there was a really meaningful experience. You get to talk to them, learn names, and they'd come and talk and play with you unabashedly. They really just want attention and love. Although they may look all smiley, deep down inside they're really hurting.

And yes, that's the end of the beginning of the first FireReach project :)

So everyone went back, eventually.


Sunday, July 19, 2009


For after so long.

HAHAHA! *syiok sendiri*

Alright, SO here I am giving you our previous youth meeting report. Again, I would be lying if I said that it wasn't fun.

SO uh, yeah.WE had our pre- prayer service. And of course, we prayer for :-
  • Recess revos' in schools.
  • Youth service.
  • and just thanking God for everything He has blessed us

THEN... EULENE did Charades for ice breaker. It was fun. Was it?

Shiau Xian worship lead with her team (:

SO you see, Le Roy basically had his moment with Alex during Wave Challege
*see our previous post behind*
But i guess Alex wasn't enough for him..
SO now he has... *points to the above*
OH.. NO.
Ming Yen with her announcements.

*drum rolls.*
*crowd cheers*

as our preacher for the night!
Taking Up The Cross.
Truly awesome (:

.Pastor Victor also shared for a while.
and uh yeah.
That's the end of my YOUNG PREACHER'S NIGHT report!
I have a priceless picture for all of you.
you ready?

Report : Eulene :)

Pictures taken by : Joyce.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Wheed and Weat.

Introducing our resident seminarian, older-than-he-looks, not-very-tall, court-jester-in-another-life, drummer, [American] footballer, floorballer, graphicker, artist, contemplater, (list goes on and on), PREACHER.

[insert his photo here]

Here ya go, ladies and gentlemen, Mr Tan Chu Kwang (is that right?) =D

[pause for applause] (hey that rhymes. haha.)

So, for this week's message:




Tricky pronunciation there.

And here're some bits and pieces of the sermon:

Parable of the Weeds! (Matt 13:24-30)

God's kingdom.. It's like a field (the world) planted with good seed (us - to bear fruit).

But you see right, this slinky shadow (Satan) came and sowed weed (sons of the Evil One) among the wheat.

Tapi, masalahnya, if you pull out the weeds, you'll prolly uproot the wheat at the same time.

So God's allowing both wheat AND weed to grow together.

And we should be careful & be aware, cuz the only way to differentiate wheat and weed is to be grounded in God's word.

There're weeds in the midst of us.

But when the time comes, we'll be rewarded for bearing good fruit.

Then there's the flip side.

Many will come to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!' - Matt 7:22-23

So imagine that, the Father who brought you up, saying "I don't know you" just cuz of something we did. It's devastating.

If you don't abide in Jesus (bear fruit), you'll be taken out & burned.

We're saved so that we can produce good fruit.

However. There is hope for the weeds.

God gave us a choice!

And so He did, and many fireBRANDS went up to be prayed for.

Another few songs from Nehemiah and the worship team, with God as the only audience.

God sure used James in an outstanding way that night. Undoubtedly. Really well done =)

Wheat and weed.

Where do you stand?