Helloo,..and welcome back to take a look of what happen in fireBRANDS last Saturday.
As usual, we had prayer led by Stephanie. We prayed for the worship team, speaker of the night and for JYR plus AYC.
Stephanie leading us in prayer
Next, we had a simple ice breaker led by our very own Joshua Tan.* accompanied by Lester, Isaac and Brian* The name is called "The Squirrel Game" But before the game starts, lets do some warm up first shall we?
Joshua giving the instructions..
For warm up, we were required to be in a group containing certain amount of people based on the number given. For example : Nine in a group, three in a group
Sharon: We have eight already!
After that, back to " The Squirrel Game"
All of us are required to take up a role. Either a squirrel or a tree.
The squirrel must be under the connected trees
Something like that :)
But that doesn't finish the game..The game goes on.
If Joshua shouts fire : Everyone ( squirrels and trees) must find another partner or home..
But if he shouts hunter, then only the squirrel itself must find a new home.
Sharon: I need a tree here
Leroy : Where's my house?
After ice breaker, its time for worship.Worship was led by Faith and her team..
We worship in spirit and in truth.
And before inviting the speaker of the night, we had Sharon to perform a song for us.
Sharon playing the piano while singing
And now its time for the speaker or should I say speakers of the night to answer our curiosity we have all along. What more can it be? Its FORUM TIME!
1. Being a Christian in a non-Christian family household can be difficult but it can also be beneficial for your personal walk with God. How does one live with non-Christian parents/ family?
- Rely on the Holy spirit. Holy Spirit is the key. Surrender it all to God..How do we have the power of the Holy Spirit?
a) Draw close to God
b) Be baptised by the Holy Spirit
c) The spirit of God
2. What are your opinions on tattoos and piercings?
-Why must we put that on ourselves when God has already made us perfect? Furthermore, it harmful for health. Appreciate what God has given you.
3. How do I cope when everything such as work,studies and family seem to go wrong?
-God will guide us.God will give us His will and understanding.
4. Are all Christians going to heaven
Yes, but we need to repent before God first. We also need to believe god is God and to believe His words.
5. What do you think about clubbing and drinking.
Clubbing is wrong for we are actually exposing ourselves to the worldly people. And by that we tend to fall into temptations. The "I am a Christian" tag we are wearing will slowly fade away as we continue to get distracted by worldly desires.Drinking is fine. But drinking till you are drunk is against the word of God. Drink moderately..not off the limit
And by this, we also conclude youth service with all our questions answered.
Stay tuned for more exciting post coming your way..
Byeee :)
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