Tuesday, June 30, 2009

27 June 2009

So you see, I reckoned y'all needed a CHANGE.

Of writers.

So instead of my perfect English (aisehh), or Joyce's animated tone, or Eulene's colour fiesta, or Sharon's sophisticated air, or Beverly's hees...

...we've got Leanne's straight-to-the-point, very understandable version of a good, solid report.

Before youth started, prayer was on just like any other day. We divided into groups of four and prayed for a few points given. The points were:
  1. Recess Revo
  2. H1N1
  3. The worship led by Sharon for that night
  4. Alex sharing
  5. James, who had shared in his mission trip

After prayer, worship started.

After worship, Alex shared about 'Fig Trees'.

Alex was basically telling us that you can't give, until you have received from God. We will never be complete without God's love. He basically told us that some people find ''fig trees' such as money, position, look, popularity, etc. to cover up those insecurities.

After Alex's sharing, it was ministry time. A few of us went up and were prayed for.

After youth, a few announcements were made. Then we dismissed.

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