Alright, before every night - realise it or not - there's always the preparations!
Like for example worship practice, or maybe the speaker prepping his/her notes while the LCD boy types away..
So even if the whole night was meant to be fun and games..
Joyce finishing up the ceiling deco while Joseph looks on.
The dark(-skinned) guy bringing light into the sanctuary.
And final touch-ups before going for Bible class.
All while the Supervisor looks on.
Come 6 p.m., Bible class is still on!
The perky Bible class teacher.
This time in the conference room, cuz Sanc 2 was filled with colourful stuff.
This time Bible class involved pillowcases filled with unidentified objects from Marilyn's home.
And by only looking at the pillowcases without touching 'em, each group was supposed to sell that item to the other groups. Obviously hard right, cuz you don't know what's inside.
So, this analogy shows that we need to really, really know our God before we can start sharing the Gospel to others.
How? By reading the Bible :)
After dinner.
The all-important time of prayer. Again led by Sarah Khoo, this innovative short lady had every single person there to pray a short prayer for anything they felt the need to pray for.
After prayer, before the theme night officially started, the fireBRANDS had some fellowship during what's known as 'toilet break time'.
Some talked/fellowshipped/sat down on the floor.
While the organisers got ready for the night.
A few filled up the fireBRANDS database forms.
Certain people flagrantly vained.
And others... did.. whatever they did.
Okay, let's start!
Little Miss Giggles with the announcements again!
First off, the crowd was divided into four groups consisting of pretty much equal numbers of old and young fireBRANDS and visitors alike.
And for the first game, planned by Pastor Victor:
We witnessed Leroy blindfolding an innocent child..
..a state floorballer being led by M'sia's national goalkeeper, both on all fours..
..sight-impaired youths picking up wrapped sweets with their mouths..
..while their group leaders egged them on.
And keep on going!!
Basically each group was supposed to collect as many sweets corresponding to their group as possible, in the manner shown above.
The lesson learnt was that in life, we have to listen to our Leader's voice (God) in order to achieve anything that matters.
Next game, this one by Alex:
Each group leader was taken out from the room and briefed in secret, while the rest of the members were instructed to beg for sweets in the most creative possible ways once the leaders were back.
Like this:
Yan-Y being chased and begged relentlessly by Gary and Linken for some sweets.
In the end, only certain group members received sweets, and the groups had to figure out the criteria by which sweets were given out. Like 1. is wearing a watch, 2. is a guy, 3. is wearing socks, etc.
And the group members get more sweets once they guessed a criteria correctly.
And after some time, the group leaders were invited up to reveal the criteria (each group had different sets of criteria).
Next, time was alloted for everyone to exchange sweets with each other.
Alex then slowly and steadily revealed what each sweet represented (faith, love, good looks, long life, health, salvation, etc.).
Lesson learnt: What's most important is the gift of salvation, something which shouldn't be placed second to things like health.
And, the third game, by Eunice the cupcake-baker:
Bible quiz! Each team sends out one rep. Get the question right, and you get to choose a cupcake!
Some cupcakes had those heart-sprinkles on top, others didn't.
Get your cupcake, and eat it without expression at the corner.
Asher, the first person with an answer right.
And finally more people to join him! (what happened to eat without expression, i wonder)
Andrew trying to look less menacing.
And so after many rounds of answering Bible-related questions (fished out by Joyce), it was revealed that the cupcakes with the heart sprinkles on top had wasabi in them, while the plain jane cupcakes were untampered with.
Lesson? Don't judge anything by its looks.
And with that, Trick or Treat was over.
Oh, one more thing:
fireBRANDS' group photo on Facebook which has 29 tagged people, 4 likes and 33 comments by 17 people. As of now.
How awesome we are. And how much, much more our God is!
(this post is a really good test for colour blindness xP)
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