Saturday, March 19, 2011


It was so GREAT to see PenHOP (Penang House of Prayer)visiting us here ,in firebrands.They started to practise worship about 7 pm. Then, most of us went in to sanctuary 2 to get ready for the way,do you know that
the government is
holding 30 000 of Malay BIBLES???Do you know how important bible is to us?Bibles are the ones giving the answers to our questions! Okay...
then we started praying on and on and on and on.After prayer its ice breaking time!Players should be
grouped randomly according to their value.Fun right?Wait till
you see the photo's !
Then we started worship.
The theme is about consuming
The LORD'S fire will never end! How amazing is that!!??Our spirit was lifted while we were singing.Some of us had an encounter with the Holy Spirit and some slained.All you got to do is to have big faith!You can do anything with it but you can't do anything without it.Actually, faith is the most important thing in ife.Do you know that people
?We worshiped with PenHOP for one and a half hour.Quite long right? But it's
still AWESOME!!!

well tht's all for now. we all hope that PenHOP will visit us again!So remember always believe in YOURSELVES!

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