Tuesday, May 8, 2012

rEVOLution @ PISA 2012

5th May 2012
Dear Diary, 
It's been a really really exciting week,
7 days of torture, 7 days of patience
And my friends, all talking 'bout it,
It's on a Saturday and it starts at 6 in the evening

La la la, what is it?
La la la . . . Find out here :)

Yep, its REVO@PISA I'm singing about!! So here's what happened. Forgive the long post, but a short summary JUST WON'T DO for this event. :) Besides, why give a short summary of what happened last saturday when it is held in a STADIUM?

Alright, the first 2 photos have already shown you how the stadium is set up, and believe me when I say its awe-zum! So here's the programme that's been lined up in store for all rEVOLutioners :
It started with a countdown which I couldn't resist doing here.

Yes, thank you screen! WELCOME TO REVO PARTY!!
And the stadium officially comes to life with :-

1) Lightbulb Productions (The dance ministry of Acts Church) showing what they've got dancing for God.
2) A 2-song performance by Kelvyn Yeang and the band, in which only the instruments were involved.
3) A dance performance by the Rock Dancers of Rock Church.
4) Another dance performance by the EPCC dance performers.
If the 4 performances didn't appeal to anyone, veryfunnystoplying :P

But the fun's only just begun, and it was time for worship. Believe it or not, a 3,500-strong crowd in a stadium, in a time of worship and praise to the One and Only that made this event happen. Matthew 18:20 says, "For where two or three people gather in my name, there I am with them". What more if a 3,500-strong crowd in a stadium?

Pastor Kenneth Chin was up next for a special sermon filled to the brim with jokes as well as meaning. Yes, "jokes to the brim with meaning". Done processing what I just said? Good. Moving on!

That was what his sermon was revolving on. Do take a minute and think on what it means.

John 14:15-17.
Christians we may be, but there are times when we are "orphaned". To church we go, but there are times when we can't feel anything and we walk out at the end feeling lost. And here's a secret all of you should know, and that is, although Jesus has ascended to heaven 2000 years ago, He has sent a helper down with one task. The Holy Spirit, that we shall no longer be "lost" and "orphaned".

Do continue reading on.

Remembered the times when you just feel like an incomplete puzzle? A missing piece somewhere. Something that wasn't right. Well, we all do. And the missing piece is the fact that we do not have a relationship with the Helper.
Acts 1:8 tells us all that when the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we will receive power. Power thats not for our own greed, not for our own desires. But a power that aids us in fulfilling The Great Commission.

Here's a truth many people know, but don't realise. God gave us not a spirit of fear. You think He'd want us to live our lives cowering away at "The Boogeyman"? Nah-uh. And that was the other reason why the Holy Spirit was sent to us. To help us in any way possible. There is nothing, NOTHING, that the Holy Spirit can't do.

Habits, addiction. It is a human's self-righteousness that says "I can break these bondages myself. I am able. I get myself in, I get myself out". But what if we can't? God wants us to know that only the perfect can perfect the imperfect. And its only through God that we're set free from our habits.

"When God delivers, He delivers." Remember that.

"We're all orphans, living on our own strength, and feelings, often forgetting our promises to God. Feelings should follow faith, not the deeds of this world."

The sermon ended with the opening of the altar for those who have made a decision to join the family of God, for those in need of healing and also for those who wished to rededicate their lives once again.
And the numbers wasn't small. It just goes to show that our God, our Father, is an awesome God :)

Of course, it hasn't ended. The stadium witnessed the symbolic act of the handing over of the torch from EPCC to Acts Church to organise the next REVO meeting, which is the Re:Union 2012 (31st of May till 2nd of June. Admission is RM 50)

Before it officially ended, there was a special performance by Juwita Suwito, who performed 2 songs as it comes to a close :)

Have a great week ahead and God bless you.

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