Friday, September 21, 2012

He Has A Plan !

Emily :  What was the blog's address you showed me yesterday?
Chris : Which one? 
Emily : Erm..fireBRANDS, I think
Chris : Its,
Emily : There it is! Thank you


Hey there! Welcome back!
A place to update yourself with the latest news of what's happening here, in fireBRANDS.
Don't go all excited,Just take a sit relax, and ENJOY

So, what happened in youth service last Saturday?
Pre-service started as usual at 7:15 sharp, led by our very one and only, Sarah Khoo.

Prayer points are:-
-The worship team
-Speaker for the night

After prayer,
Sarah : "Okay, you all now have 3 minutes of toilet break"
After that, its time for ice breaker. Ice breaker was led by Isaac Huang and Samantha Tan.

1. The Hunger Love Game
1. From a random person, say something you love about " I love people who wear spectacles."
2. People who wear spectacles are required to swap places with other people (you can't swap place with the empty spot beside you)
3. The person who is the last to sit must say something he/she love about..and the cycle goes on and on

Hurry up Jonathan! 

Joshua : That spot is mine!
Next, we have another game.
Listen carefully..
Everyone must introduce themselves including their age. After that, we have to shout out anyone's name followed by their age. The person who his/her name was being called out must slap their neighbour's lap. Hands must not touch knees.
Oops wrong person..Ben

And finally, we had some little entertainment by our fellow friends.

Like old times..its butt writing time!
Spelling bee : "Benjamin"

After that awesome time of ice breaker, its time to charge up some batteries
We had Leroy and his team to lead us into a time of worship.
We worship in spirit and in truth

Next, we had announcements by Sarah..
And the winners of last week's quiz. 
Brian: Winners can claim their prize next week.

                              And next..we had Benjamin Yeoh to sing a song  share the word of God .
What did he shared about?


  • God will cause good for the good
  • bad things comes from the devil, not from God
  • God has a bright plan for us. 
  • Meanwhile, the devil also has a plan for us, which is to destroy us, the children of God
  • We want God to use us, and nothing we have done in our life can disqualify us from the grace and mercy of God
  • Even though we are sinners, He still love us for who we are and has a wonderful plan for us.
  • Because of God's grace in us, we do not have to feel guilty.
  • If we continue to know the mercy of God, we will be blessed
  • God will always give us a second chance
  • He will guide us each step on the way
  • God will never abandon us, but He will always be with us
  • God will be our reward, if we continue to stay faithful in Him
  • When we do not know where we are heading, trust in the Lord and continue to have faith in Him, and He will lead you to success
  • God will continue to show His way for us
  • Jeremiah (1:5)
" I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as My prophet to the nations"
  • No matter what we do in our lives, God will still forgive us.

And that also conclude service. Stay tuned and blessed day!

Chris : checked the latest blog yet?
Emily : Yeah! Thanks a lot, Chris.
Chris : You're welcome.

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