Saturday, December 12, 2009


Hello, hello.sorry for the late update everyone.

As usual it all started with Bible class.Which was lead by the 'big' man James.xD

He talked about psalms 139.*read it up people.

The main 'persoalan' or point/question is, Why should we ask God to examine us even though he knows everything about us as said in the psalm.
Prayer time.
Praying for the awesome worship team that night

Ok now the moment we've all been waiting for. OK maybe not, but still. Its time for 'THE MESSAGE'.

We've all seen her,we all know her, she bakes cupcakes?. ANYWAY
Preacher that night was none other than EUNICE LEE.


Eunice talked about that little hole between your chin and your nose.

Yup.Its your mouth.

She talked about our mouth and words.

Our mouth, our tongues are thus mighty but hard to control.

Our words are :1.Tools

2.Instruments.a) To bring good or bring evil.

b) To fulfill the purposes of creation

c) To praise or glorify God or to do the works of Satan.

d) To build up or tear down.

e) Guide to truth or lead astray.

Amazing how many things words can do.I mean everyone knew words were powerfull but have you ever sat down and considered just how powerfull?.

With great power comes great responsibility.Lame as it sounds but its quite true.

Think that using words without thinking has no consequenses? Think again.

Proverbs 10 : 13 Wisdom is found on the lips of those who understand what is right. But those who have no sense are punished.

Proverbs 10 : 10 An evil wink gets you into trouble.And foolish chattering destroys you.


Proverbs 10 : 31 The mouths of those who do right produce wisdom.But the tongues that speak twisted words will be cut out.

Word of advice

Proverbs 12 : 22 The lord hates those whose lips tell lies.But is pleased with people who tell the TRUTH.

What should we want?

For God to take our lips and fill them with the messages from him?

For words of our mouth to be plesasing to God?

Ok. Been talking so much about the down side of not choosing your words properly.But now for the 'up side' of it.

By speaking wise words to other people, you get the joy of seing those you encouraged thriving in their work or in their homes.

Speaking wise words also helps builds up the people around you.

To summarize it up

Proverbs 10 : 11- 14 The mouths of those who do right are a fountain of life.But the trouble caused by what sinners say destroys them.(12) Hate stirs up fights.But love erases all sins by forgiving them.(13) Wisdom is found on the lips of those who understand what is right.But those who have no sense are punished.(14) Wise people store up knowledge.But the mouths of folish people destroys them.

*Sorry for the lack of photos.Anyone want to bless me with a camera?

*Don't blame the editor for all the font and alignment mistakes, SUE BLOGGER

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