Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Read this!

Pre-service prayer was led by Sarah Wong:

And we split into groups to pray for:
- each other, whatever the need is
- whoever's taking exams =O

Enjoy the pictures people:D

Then icebreaker:

By our fun-loving, everyone's favourite icebreaker expert. xP
Helped by Julia Tan (who took the photos for this post, by the way!).

So icebreaker involved sitting in groups and talking:D

Talking about what, I hear you ask?
Talking about cutting up Nicole Tan's dog to eat.

Getting to know each other a tiny bit better.

Right then, everyone get up!

...which proved to be a long and arduous process.

And it was time to just say HI THERE! to first-timers at fireBRANDS' youth service.

Because fireBRANDS IS growing! Praise God for that:)

Fellowship gives people smiley faces:)

Introductions done, now introducing..

the worship team for the night! Led by Yan-Y.

And it was a cracking good time just lifting God up in our praises.

Announcements time!

First up, next week's (8.10.11) youth service is gonna be a special one (okay all of them are special actually) cause Mr Julian's coming!

Who's Mr Julian?

He's a dancer for God:) and he MIGHT be giving us a mini-workshop or something like that so come wearing stuff you can actually move around in. eg. not miniskirts.

Cause performing arts is one of the spheres that the church needs to extend its influence and glorify God in; instead of just shying away from it.

And another really really really important announcement:

They come in blue
so why don't you
go ahead; get one now!
from Sharon Lee (and not Leow).
Sign up immediately, don't delay;
RM250, per person, five days...
...it's more than worth it!
And please your form, submit
before eleventh December -
but the earlier the better.
Youth camp's gonna be awesome,
more so than a... possum.

Marilah kita bersama-sama
pergilah ke Kem Belia!
Lokasinya kat Hotel Amanpura,
pengkhutbahnya Pr. Palan dan isterinya Surya.

Didn't that just brighten up the whole blog post?:D
Theme for this year's camp is SQUARE ONE. Basically means coming back to the fundamentals of Christian life.

Err moving on.

We had a familiar face for sermon-time. This is the 3rd time he's delivering God's word straight into our hearts and he does a darn well good job on it!

It's none other than....
Andy Stanley
on the LCD.

Today he talked on another overarching truth of the Christian life. This will change the way you interact.

Ready for it?

Here goes:

"Everybody you lay your eyes on..... is somebody for whom Christ died."

We're surrounded by people of immeasurable value!

Econs 101: The value of a thing is determined by how much it'll bring.

So we've a tendency to treat people based on what they're valued to us, not their value to God.

Also, you value the people you value, value. It's natural.

But think about this, everyone around us is of immeasurable value to the One we value.

But our value system is not the same as God's - that's why we should meditate on His word.

Check out 1 John 4:9-11.
"This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.
This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."

God says, love one another as I have loved you. If I love them, you can (and not only can, but) ought to love them.

This belief will change the decisions you make when interacting people, and will ultimately change the outcome.

Questions to think about: (and for the benefit of those who didn't copy them down on saturday)
1. Have you ever noticed someone treating you based on the value you represented to him or her? How did that make you feel?
2. Have you ever changed your opinion about someone based upon his or her connection to someone else?
3. If we value God , how should we see people in light of the fact God thinks everyone is precious? Give examples.
4. What are the potential consequences if you forget to view the people around you the way God views them?
5. Of all the people God loves, who is the most difficult for you to value?
6. How should your treatment of him or her change as a result of this message?

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