Tuesday, October 18, 2011


WELCOME TO THE fireBRANDS BLOG!!!! The only place where we post the things that we have been doing in fireBRANDS! (duh)

Alleft (Alright, get the joke?), as usual, when the alarm rings at 7 pm (ahh, how nice if during weekdays, it would be the same eh?), everyone gathers round sanctuary 2 for prayer..

Q: So, what happens next?
A: Something. :P

Exactly! Something happens, but to be more specific, its time to go break some ice....

This time, Ben is the one making sure that the ice is broken
Well, this form of icebreaker we played, for years, it has been a great game.. Commoners, knights, armies, and even kings play this game.
Scissors....... Paper...... Stone! :P

Instead of playing it with our hands, we have to be the object itself.. get it?
If you picked stone, you kinda have to curl yourself up.. something like that...

ps:nicole wanted to vain so much, "pressure" me to take. lol!
It goes down to two pairs.....
And then, one pair left...
And, then Janice wins. Well, someone has to lose, Ivan... :P
Punishment : Penulisan Punggung... Or, Butt Writing if you prefer English

Okay, with no ice left to break, its time for the next session....
Time for wor-- preaching...
This week, we had a switch.. :D
Eulene, speaker of the week
Who can guess the title of what she talked about wins..
Okay fine, y'all cheated.. Its about Worship..

So, worship is important to everyone right?
What is worship to you?

"Communicating with God"
"Act of praise and to worship God"
"Giving praise"
were some of the answers... (which is true)
but now, let's summon the Oxford Dictionary and get a clearer definition about it
Mr. Oxford here says:
"To give praise or respect to God/a god", and "To love or respect a person or thing greatly"

And now, the question..
Who do you think we worship? God :)

If so, is God :
- What you think is most precious?
- What you make sacrifices for?
- What draws your warmest love?

Worship doesn't happen because of the songs we sing. It happens when we make God the SINGLE, MOST SIGNIFICANT thing in our existence.

When we worship, we worship in spirit and truth.. John 4:23-24 says that

"But, how do I worship in spirit?"
Good question..

1. Be converted
2. Be clean
3. Be consecrated
4. Be connected

How do you know if your worship is biblical?
-Examine the message
-Examine yourself (what is the motive of your worship?)

After that, we have.... yes, worship! :)

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