Saturday, November 22, 2008

Long Overdue.

What to do? It (the report) was 'under construction'.

Report by: Sharon Leow

As to maintain the standards of being an active reporter, I am here to give you the report. Preferably, on today [Ed: 'today' meaning the 15th of November, 2008].

There’re just two words to describe tonight’s Youth service (Note: To those of you who weren’t paying much attention during the announcements – Youthwave [Under Construction] was on, mind you!) :


As much as the term right on top of you gives a pretty good description, I’m afraid you’ll have to live with me and the whole report. ([the Ed] would suck up my brain cells with a straw and start scooping up my eyes with a spoon as an appetizer, if I were to stop here!)

Note to self. Never sit at the back seat of the church van. It gives off too much fuel which sorta reminds me of GAS? Though, I personally think GAS smells alot better than fuel. Gahh!

But that’s not the point. Arriving at about 7.30 pm. at Fettes Park Baptist Church, let’s just say we were right on time. And I must say, Fettes Park Baptist Church really does have a way with being hospitable. It felt...homey, I gather.

Worship. Right...where shall I start? Worship was led by Mister-Guy-with-A-Red-Tie-who-plays-the-guitar (I do not know his name!) with newer songs.

Through the corners of my eyes, I could’ve sworn I saw many (among the congregation) were dwelling in the presence of God (I was worshipping too, mind you!). Ahhh...such a lovely sight, if you ask me. Truly, God’s presence was right there at that moment.

To those of you who weren’t there tonight, Pastor Matthew was a bomb, leaving me with my jaws open as he spoke (Well, not really. But I was pretty mesmerized.). Having him tonight did change my views on what I thought life really was. Life isn’t just the normal routine, by having to go through Kindy...Primary...Secondary...College...Uni...Job...Spouse...Kids...Maybe a few cars...and Die! That’s cow crap, if you ask me!

With his creative invention of having “Penang’s Got Talent”, he caught the crowd’s eye by calling up a few people (WHO WERE FORCED TO GO FORWARD) to showcase their talents. It was mind-boggling having to see a guy recite his ABC’s backwards, another two who could sing, one dancer, a drummer (Nehemiah, who knock all the pretty girls’ socks off –if they were wearing any!), a pianist (Joyce Lim) and a singer (Sharon Leow) who both willingly joined take over the world?

That wasn’t it, but yeah! The message was plain simple and sweet! Dreams which should never be thrown away and talents which should be used for the extension of God’s kingdom. And if you’re thinking that life’s just a simple routine with peachy events included, think again! Cause God has every intention of giving you the ride of your lifetime. God’s planning on giving you an adventure. You are special!

With everything said, I must say, tonight was another one of those successful, amazing, eye-popping nights! A memorable one which should always remain in our hearts. To those of you who’ve missed it: Wait for the next Youthwave. It’s not a long way away!

What is your dream?


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