did i mention it's gonna be one of the events for YOUTH WAVE?
Sitting on the floor, just like old times.
His topic was FOLLOWING CHRIST, the Primary Role of a Disciple.
To start, Matthew 4 : 18-20
- "They followed him at once"
Matthew 9 : 9
- Matthew also left his career where he could earn good money at once and he followed Jesus.
We can see that people were willing to let go of their career to follow Jesus
What does following mean?
1 Corinthians 11
- 'Pattern' yourselves after me (follow my example) as I immitate and follow Christ.
1. To engage in as a calling or a way of life.
2. To be or act in accordance with.
3. To walk or proceed along.
1. To follow as a model or pattern.
2. To be or appear like (resemble)
Jesus is asking us to copy him.He wanted his disciples to become like him.
As we copy Jesus, we become more and more like him. Make sense right?
Characteristics that we can apply in out lives :
1. Jesus prays (Luke 6 : 12-13)
- Jesus did not make decisions on his own, he prays.
- Jesus trusted and depended on his father .Thats why he prayed before making decisions.We
should always pray before making our decisions.
2. Jesus cares.(Matthew 8 : 1-30) (Matthew 14 : 14)
- Jesus had compassion
- Emphatize or to have compassion means to care for somebodyyy which in this case means to
suffer with somebody.
3. Jesus serves.(Matthew 20 : 28)
- Jesus, who was God himself was humble enough to wash our feet.
- Our God took the form of a servant to serve his creation
4. Jesus submits to the Fathers's will (Matthew 26-39)
- SUBMIT = to yield oneself to authority, to put oneself under authority.
-God wants us to not be independant or dependent fully but he wants us to practice inter- dependance
- God teaches us how to submit through human leaders.
-God desires us to submit
- The more we resist leadership, the harder it will get.
-SUBMITION IS A STRENGTH that we all need to have.
-People who submit the best will become the best leaders.
Why do we need to copy Jesus?
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