Friday, March 26, 2010

Worship Team Retreat 2010.

MARCH 15-17 2010, Worship Team Retreat at Bethel House of Prayer.

So the worship team set out on a journey to a far away place in the hills of Penang, namely, Penang Hill.
Anyway, we all arrived the place at about 12 I think, and we had lunch there before the first session started.
the lunch there was to die for, seriously.

EVERYONE was quiet, coz we were all enjoying the food.

Our speaker, Josh Yeoh.

After lunch was session one, which was quite long, 4 HOURS to be exact.
But every minute was worth it.
But obviously before everything started, we had to have worship, which was amazing.

We learnt how to write songs by cluttering everything up and making it into some sort of mind map.
Basically, we learnt a lot of things, but I'm not gonna get into the details because 4 hours of a "lesson" can take a long time to post. So basically we learnt to write songs the right way.

So after the 4 hour long sharing, we were given like 30 mins to write a song?

Not a lot of time, but many of us managed to produce like parts of the song, and keep it safely in a green house.

P.S: A green house is basically like a place to keep unfinished songs for us to finish when we think it's ready.

Okay, after that we had a break and then it was DINNER TIME.
I tell you the soup there is like awesome, and I hardly talk about food.

After dinner was NIGHT session, worship and then sharing etc.
After that, we had quiet time from 10.30 onwards, and we weren't allowed to talk to each other.
We were supposed to listen to God.

Basically we would read a section from the bible and see what God had to say to us.
I'm pretty sure we all heard A LOT from God.

DAY 2.

I don't know whether it's a tradition or what, but every time we come up, we're bound to take photos of the sunrise, and for some reason it gets better and better and later and later.

After that we did our devotion, and after breakfast we had session 3.

Yes, sitting on the floor hurt our butts, that's why we lied down on our BELLIES.

The main focus of Session 3 was Lectio Devina, which is Latin for divine reading, spiritual reading, or "holy reading".

We read Psalm 27:1-5.
And basically, what we had to do was to listen to someone read the versus which we jotted down whichever verse that popped out the most and then see what it meant to us.

It's like trying to hear from God by reading the bible.

5 easy tips for you when you want God to reveal himself to you:
Reveal (Ask God to reveal Himself to you)

After that was lunch and then session 4.

Basically session 4 was shorter and after some recap we were split into groups of 3 for SONGWRITING.
see the mind map i was talking about?

After that was dinner and then final session of the day, which didnt have sharing.

The final session was by far the best nights of my life.
God revealed Himself in more ways than one to us.
We saw visions and we were all touched by God and we definitely could sense His presence among us.

yeah, we all heard from God and prayed for each other.

On the final morning, our lives were sealed with the anointing of oil.
His presence there was just too great for us to handle.
And obviously coz everyone was touched, no one took pictures. Hahah.

And that marked the end of our worship team retreat.

Worship Team Retreat 2010.

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